Tattoo Studios to reopen after lockdown

Sky news Tattoo Studios to reopen

Sky news - 9th July 2020

Update - Sky news 9th July 2020

You can run through this government risk assessment before you reopen.
Close Contact Services - For example, hairdressers, barbershops, tattoo parlours, spas, sports, massage therapy and tailors

Reopen your business safely during coronavirus (COVID‑19)


Some reassuring news is that face masks can help reduce the spread of Covid - 19 Two hair stylists working in a hair salon in Springfield, Missouri, were found positive for Covid -19, and they continued to work whilst symptomatic with clients. One hundred thirty-nine customers were tracked through contact tracing procedures, and all tested negative.
Both stylist and the customer wore masks. One stylist had spread Covid to the other during the time in the salon between customers when they had removed their masks.
This would indicate that masks serve a useful purpose in preventing the speed of Covid-19.